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Perimenopause! Just another Program?

Apparently if you know the lyrics to the song "Shoop by Salt N Pepa" You are likely in the 'perimenopause' phase of womanhood. To be honest, this new buzz word had me a little freaked out. Am I old? Is this the end of my womanhood? What the hell does perimenopause even mean??

Am I experiencing these symptoms that everyone else is talking about?? No, so am I weird?

Do I need to see my doctor to get blood work??

I feel the best I have ever felt physically. I am lean and strong! Should I be bracing for the hormonal shit storm that I see other women post about online?? OR is this yet another program trying to be installed into my subconscious mind?

And then I had an Ah ha moment!! Well holy f*cking shit! Could it be that this new buzz word could persuade women to jump on the big pharma train with anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications and HRT Hormone Replacement therapies??? Could it be another program that makes it OK and normal to gain weight, and let yourself go because that's just what happens to women 40+?? I call Bull shit on this!

If I have learned anything from the past 4 years, its that big pharma has an agenda for world domination, to make every human sick and weak. What a perfect opporunity to gather more victims. Middle aged women who are going through the biggest hormonal shift since puberty. Big Pharma is doing what they do best, create the problem/'program' by way of mind control, and then swoop in with the solution. Their bread and butter, their drugs.

I took to google to see what they are saying. "Perimenopause is the time around menopause when your ovaries gradually stop working. This is a natural process that causes physical and emotional symptoms. It does not need treatment, BUT treatment can help ease symptoms. Treatment includes hormones, antidepressants and lifestyle changes."

What a surprise they actually mentioned lifestyle changes!! But let's face it, we are living in a world where it's easier to take a pill rather than make drastic lifestyle changes.

Changing ones lifestyle is not easy in the first world. Women 40+ are still working at their beloved careers, taking care of their children while also potentially taking care of aging parents. Making time to change their lifestyle may seem like an impossible task. I get it! But what I want you to understand is that 'the norm' of how you should look and feel when you are 40+ is just a program.

Aging does not automatically make you gain weight despite what our social engineers will have you believe. Perhaps the red wine every night, sedentary lifestyle, high cortisol levels, eating too much or too little, eating processed food or medications are responsible for your gain weight?

There are activities that women could partake in when we were 20-30 that our bodies at 40+ can no longer handle which can cause massive weight gain. And yes even one glass of wine per night can be responsible for the inner tube around your waste. As a recovering wine addict, its sucks I know but I love my flat stomach so much more than any cab-sauvignon I've ever tasted.

Let's make the norm for women 40+ healthy, strong & fit! I'll gladly take on the task of becoming a leader to inspire, motivate and educate you on ways to change your lifestyle so that you can sail through this period of womanhood stronger than you have ever been before. Without turning to the use of pharmaceuticals straight away.

I will be turning 47 years old this December. I am strong, fit, healthy and vibrant! And no, I'm not lucky or have good genes. This may be an unpopular opnion, however, genes have very little to do with our body compositon.

Family habits, belief systems, your friends and media programming create your behaviour and actions which in turn has a direct affect on what you eat, drink, your activity level, your illnesses etc.

Whatever your subconscious has seen and heard on repeat you will act out those behaviours whether negative or positive. Click here for a shocking video of how easily we can be influenced.

For example, Many of my friends and followers on socials have seen me on repeat with my weighted vest, working out, walking and running stairs. In a very short time, many of those who viewed my content purchased a weighted vest and took to walking in our weighted vest tribe! Which is totally awesome I must say!! This was a positive way to influence women to focus on health and fitness.

I am an amateur influencer of course, but if I have the power to influence so many women, can you imagine the power of the marketing behind big pharma?

They are using specific colours, sound, wording that is a direct highway into your subconscious and thus responsible for changing your behaviour.

One example, Ozempic commercial's are aired at least 1-2 times per commercial break during the 2024 Olympics. The catch phrase "Just ask your Doctor" with the song Oh Oh Ozempic from the 70s song oh oh oh its magic. Your subconscious mind believes that this drug is magic just from watching the commerial! And let's not forget the kardasians also endorse this drug. Its all by design, to influence you on a subconscious level.

The Good News!

The good news is the same way our social engineers can manipulate our behaviours with their powerful, repetitive marketing, your subconscious mind can be positively influenced to become a healthy, fit, strong and vibrant woman!

You can be programmed through constant repetition to workout, lift weights, eat healthy, and take your physcial power back. Which will only benefit your life going forward!

Don't settle for what the mainstream media influences you to believe about women's health 40+. Make your own reality, just as I have! I will not settle for being the 'norm'. I will raise the bar for other women so that we can be stronger and healthier together! This is our birthright ladies!

My 8 Non-Negiotables for staying Fit & Healthy at 46 and beyond!

I recently listened to Dr. Andrew Huberman podcast with Dr Stacy Sims, Female Fitness & Nutrition. Dr Sims solidified my opinions on 'perimenopause'. She reaffirmed that every action I am taking now is the best course of action for me in this stage of my life. Click here for the video. I must mention I do have my own opinions on veganism and caffeine intake, but most of the podcast is bang on!

"The Western view of menopause is not common in most other cultures and societies. The Cherokee Indians believed that women did not enter adulthood until the age of 51. In Celtic cultures, the elder woman was seen as the seed – the part that contains all the knowledge of the parts within it. The elder’s role was to go forth and reseed the community with her wisdom. Anthropologists Margaret Mead and Judith K. Bwon studied the status of women in primitive cultures around the world. They found that women who have reached menopause are “crowned” wise women, midwives, healers, and givers of initiation. In a wide diversity of ancient cultures from North American to Middle Eastern, African to Aborigine, and European to Icelanders, postmenopausal women are valued for their Intuitive wisdom. In ancient times, these women were trained as oracles, priestesses, shamans, and healers. Menopause is an empowering spiritual and physiological change. Comprehending the reasons why menopause occurs, and the symptoms it creates, gives a greater understanding into this changing time of the female body and offers regaining of Holistic Self Power." -Stone Health Holistics

My hope is to empower you to make today the day you start focusing on your physcial health! No matter what stage of womanhood you are in. Your physical health is the most important! If you do not make time for your health you will be forced to make time for an illness.

If you have an comments or questions please leave them below! I would love to hear your thoughts! Perhaps you have additional information that would be beneficial for us all! . It takes a village, and I rely heavily on my tribe of amazing women that always have words of wisdom!

Much Love Ladies!

Corrie Bignell

The Unregistered Nurse

Christoff Certified Self Sabotage Coach

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1 Comment

Sep 04, 2024

I love your story Corrie and I salute you for taking that amazing leap of faith! Thank you also for reaffirming my rejection of the attitude that menopause is misery. I've never wanted to accept that women's bodies just fail and become dysfunctional. It doesn't make sense on any level. The same way women are led to believe that childbirth is impossible without medical intervention. I'm 52 and have no sign of symptoms yet but have wondered if I am just lucky and it's still coming. I want to trust my body and maintain agency through my lifestyle choices. You are a beacon!

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